Boundary Busting

Boundary Busting

When I first heard the term “ghosting”, I was delighted. I thought it meant more people were coming out of the psychic closet. At one time in my life, I would have rejected the term “ghosting” because of my fear of actual ghosts.

I’ve been reacting to ghosts my whole life. Early on, I responded by running away. I was terrified.

As time went on, I found I could connect with beloved family members after they died. On the flip side, I had to contend, for example, with my friend’s deceased grandfather who wanted to reach his granddaughter so he thought he would try through me. But it wasn’t until I was in my first apartment and this ill-natured dead drunk guy kept making my phone ring at all hours of the day and dropping into my body that I reached for my first book about ghosts.

I had been studying metaphysics for years but had never wanted to learn about ghosts. So, learn about them I did. Meanwhile, there was nothing in the library or bookstore about psychic boundaries. For years, I searched for information about how to strengthen mine, all the while, strengthening them on my own. Truth be told, therapy helped! Personal and energetic boundaries are connected so if one is made stronger, so is the other.

Decent boundaries are the building blocks of intuitive work of any kind.

Energetic boundaries, as you know, are extremely important for mediums. They need these boundaries to protect themselves from the energies of others.”

Spirits and ghosts can spot a medium a lifetime away. They know the medium can either see, hear, or sense them so they follow them around, whispering in their metaphysical ear.  

Mediums can feel the emotions of others. The energy of emotions can stick like glue to all sensitive people. Another reason to build decent boundaries.

Everyone is sensitive and intuitive to some degree. We all trip over our boundaries and cross other people’s boundaries from time to time. In my experience, understanding how to strengthen them is key to feeling peaceful and happy.

When I started writing this blog post, I got lost in all the subcategories of boundary genres. As an intuitive coach, I’ve always emphasized the importance of strong personal and energetic boundaries, so I could have easily gone into great detail. However, I decided to take a broader approach to illustrate personal and energetic boundaries because I wanted to focus on helpful tips for strengthening them.

Personal Boundaries

Personal boundaries are the limits and rules we set for ourselves in terms of our relationships with others. They define what we are comfortable with and what we are not comfortable with. Personal boundaries can be physical, emotional, or mental.

-Physical boundaries involve our physical space.

-Emotional boundaries involve our emotional needs and well-being. 

-Mental boundaries involve our thoughts and beliefs.

Healthy personal boundaries help us to feel safe, respected, and in control of our own lives. No one’s boundaries are perfect. We all benefit from boosting them; it is truly a lifelong process.


  1. For instance, if you find yourself oversharing…

Be selective about who you share your story with. Oversharing can alienate people who are uncomfortable with your level of honesty. Save your story for those who appreciate your openness and will be supportive.

2. If you find yourself saying yes when you want to say no…

Learn to say no.  It’s okay to say no to requests that you don’t have time for or that you’re not comfortable with. Saying yes when you mean no can lead to resentment and frustration.

Here are some tips for setting healthy personal boundaries:

  • Be clear about what you are comfortable with and what you are not comfortable with.
  • Setting clear expectations: Communicating our needs and expectations to others can help to prevent them from crossing our boundaries.
  • Be upfront in enforcing your boundaries.
  • Stay honest and consciously choose not to be manipulative to get your needs met.
  • Be willing to say no to requests that you cannot or don’t want to fulfill.
  • Be receptive when others say no to you.
  • Set limits on your time and energy.
  • Take care of your physical and mental health.
  • Practice self-care, self-love, and compassion.

Setting healthy personal boundaries is an ongoing process. It takes time and practice to learn how to communicate your needs and enforce your boundaries. But it is a worthwhile investment!

Energetic Boundaries

Energetic boundaries are the invisible lines that define our personal space and protect our energy from being influenced by others. They are similar to physical boundaries, but they are not limited to our physical bodies.

Our energetic boundaries extend beyond our physical bodies.

Energetic boundaries encompass our thoughts, feelings, emotions.

Energetic boundaries protect us from energy that is not our own.


  1. Your co-worker is in a bad mood and every time you interact with them, you feel angry afterward…

Absorbing other people’s moods is an easy thing to do unless you consciously ignite your boundaries before you connect. You will not feel drained or angered by those around you if you stay in your own energetic space.

2. When you spend time in your cousins house, you feel cold chills throughout your body and you always feel tired when you leave…

There could be a ghost sharing space with your cousin. Meditating and grounding prior to and after your visit will help you stabilize and protect your energy. Imagining a protective bubble around your body is also helpful, especially when dealing with ghosts.

Our energetic boundaries are impactful to our spirit because our spirit responds to energy, not words.  Absolutely everything is made of energy. Thoughts, words, love, hate, tension, anxiety, appreciation, joy, all can be sensed energetically.

When our energetic boundaries are strong and healthy, we can protect ourselves from negative energy, such as stress, anxiety, fear, and energy that is not our own, including spirit energy. Spirits and ghosts can be sensed because they too are made of energy, as are you. When our boundaries are secure, we are able to maintain a sense of peace and well-being, even in difficult situations.

Our energetic boundaries are powerful when we know where our space begins and ends. Being aware of our emotions is essential to this process, as it helps us to notice when someone or something is trying to penetrate our boundaries. We can tell because our own vibration will feel foreign to us.

Here are some tips for setting healthy energetic boundaries:

  • Meditation: Meditation can help us to become more aware of our energy and to learn how to protect it and ourselves with light.
  • Grounding: Grounding helps us to connect with the earth’s energy, which can help to stabilize our own energy.
  • Paying attention to how you feel helps you build and understand where your energetic space begins and ends.
  • Healing work, whether you do it on your own or with professional support, can strengthen your boundaries in an extraordinary way.
  • Exercising self-love is a powerful force and protects your energy beautifully. 
  • Giving energy to what you love and not what you dislike builds your personal bank of energy.
  • Maintaining a stream of optimistic thoughts about you and your life is a powerful practice. 
  • Visualizing a protective shield of light around our bodies can help to keep out negative energy and any energy that is not our own. 
  • Clearing our space of old energy using prayer or space clearing techniques.

Energetic boundaries are an important part of our overall wellness. By taking steps to strengthen our boundaries, we can protect ourselves from negative energy and maintain a sense of peace and well-being.

Here are some examples of energetic boundaries:

  • Refusing to engage in any conversations that make you feel uncomfortable.
  • Honoring your intuition about people, places, and things.
  • Setting limits on your time and energy.
  • Protecting your personal space.
  • Creating an energetic protective shield or bubble around yourself before interacting with others.
  • Clearing your energy regularly, especially after heavy interactions or being in crowds.
  • Taking care of your physical and mental health.
  • Practicing self-love, self-care, and compassion.
  • Coming to terms with the fact that you cannot help everyone you want to help.
  • Knowing that your energy is yours, you can choose to share it in a healthy way or walk away.

For those in the healing arts, it is especially advantages to maintain decent boundaries to protect your client and yourself. Just because you intuitively pick up on something, doesn’t mean it’s meant for you to share. The entire Universe need not rest on your shoulders.

For example, as a massage therapist, if you sense that a client is going to have a heart attack, it is not appropriate, to share this information with them, as you are not qualified to diagnose a heart issue. Instead, you could tactfully encourage them to listen to their body and seek medical guidance if something doesn’t feel right.

If you are struggling with delicate or unhealthy energetic boundaries, the good news is you can strengthen them in minutes just by altering your thoughts. You can easily learn to build and maintain boundaries.

Setting energetic boundaries is an ongoing process that takes time and practice. It’s worth it, as it helps you protect your energy, maintain a sense of well-being, ignite your light, and enhance your joy!

Here are some additional links for help with realigning and boosting boundaries.

Boundaries in a Bottle!

Tips for Centering and Calming Yourself

Setting Anchor

Finding Calm

Calming the Static from Within

13 Ways to Achieve Alignment and Be Where You Are, Not Where You Were

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