Writing Myself Back Into Balance

Masonic Cancer Clinic

One Foot and One Thought at a Time

One foot and one thought at a time. I am strong. I am a warrior and this is not my first battle. And I battle not alone. I stand not alone. Beside me are the women and men who fought before me and fight still. We have been cut, burned and poisoned so that we may stay alive. Cancer has robbed us of more than our health. We walk the path and make our choices, one foot in front of the other; one chosen thought after the other. I am strong and I am restored through the grace of G-d and my own will. What has come upon me does not make me or break me. I am strong. I am a warrior. I am here, I am whole, I am now.

And I Am Blogging!

I have an anniversary coming up. It’s a bad one. On August 6th, 2021, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Fast forward several ugly moments. The night before the surgery that would remove the cancer and both of my breasts, I posted a link to my blog on social media.

Here’s how the blog post started…

It is estimated that 281,550 people will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2021. On August 6th, 2021, I became one of them…. I had been having a series of odd and ominous visions for months and they always left me feeling foggy. (Read post)

Writing Myself Back Into Balance

As I’ve said, I write to release the part of me that is speechless. I write myself back into balance. I write myself free. Free of the burden of carrying a secret. Free of caring what other people think.

One of the first things that hit me after being diagnosed with cancer was the beauty of the people in my life. The amazing support continues to hold me up when I cannot stand on my own. This includes the sweet, supportive comments on my social media posts. I read them before I go into surgery…and I read them prior to each and every round of chemo therapy and Herceptin infusion.

Love is an energy and yours has filled me up. Thank you.

I started this Blog to reach people; people like you. I love to write about spirit connection and speaking the language of intuition. Helping people nourish their insightful side energizes me in no small way. As a child, knowing something about how to access my intuition provided incredible, useful insight for me and saved my life more than once. I love helping people access their natural intuition. 

As our souls expand so too do our intuitive abilities. 

My intuition has been beside me through this chapter of my life. In the months prior to my diagnosis I experienced flashes of my death. Even with all the odd intuitive-alerts I’d been receiving, the actual cause of what I was seeing on the screen in my head either escaped me or was deliberately not presented.

I would have liked to have hit the fast forward button in the story…the story of my soul, but being present is what propels the soul forward. So present I remained.

No one wants to ever be told they have cancer. These are words that break your heart, shatter your hope, and forever change your life and the lives of those you hold most dear.

As I said, I love to write myself back into balance. Today I began putting together some of the more compelling, uplifting things I’ve written and read so that when I am feeling low, I can access them without effort. I thought I would share some of them with you.

You will see some Facebook, twitter, and blog post links, quotes and some humor-infused stuff as well. 

When in doubt…

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Once people learn you have or had breast cancer, plenty of them look immediately at your chest. Even the most conscious, cool people do this. Natural curiosity is the cause I guess. Chances are, I unconsciously did the same thing, prior to my own diagnosis. In an effort to regain a little dignity, I purchased this shirt!

I didn’t write this but I do wear it!

January 19th 2022 Facebook post

TODAY, I completed chemo round 10 and have only 2 more to go!

As I sat down to post this photo, I realized most of my posts are fun and flattering. This photo is neither. The reason I say this is because no matter how you slice it, having chemotherapy and the reasons behind it are not fun. A cancer diagnosis is frightening.

I am blessed with amazing support from family, friends and people like you and am filled with appreciation! And guess what…my prognosis is good!

Nevertheless, I have my down days and sometimes they turn into weeks. I’m working hard to maintain my connection with the light from within by honoring my feelings and finding a safe place to express and explore them.

As I’ve long said, we are all beloved children of the Universe.

So when I walk, I walk with Faith and Grace beside me!


Me and Chemo! Blog post

This is the story of chemotherapy and me.

If you have ever lost hope and found it again…or wish to find it again, this blog post is for you.

I love people sight unseen and have always been pretty good at maintaining my happy or at least neutral even during pandemic times. Don’t get me wrong, I have had my share of blue moments, dark, dark blue in fact. As a result of surviving them, I felt less crushable.

There’s just something about being diagnosed with breast cancer and almost losing my life that set me on a different trail and it wasn’t one I wanted to be on. So I started telling myself a different story.

Here’s a little story about chemotherapy and me. It’s a story about hope, faith and appreciation.

If anyone would’ve suggested five years ago that I would make friends with chemo, I would’ve thought they had been smoking some funny stuff…Here’s more about my crush on chemo!

April 6th, 2022 Facebook post

I’m two months out from completing chemo and two weeks out from my last surgery.

After I was diagnosed with breast cancer the best I could do was remain alert and alive to each moment.

My goal was not to suppress my feelings and emotions, it was to keep moving and stay alive. I pushed on with great care and processed what I could as events unfolded. And I promised myself to come back later to help the rest of me catch up.

I’m in the process of processing and healing.

I feel so much gratitude and appreciation for where I am. And that I am.

You see my world kind of blew up. And when I went to gather the pieces, I noticed there were various significant parts of me missing.

I found I didn’t fit in in some of the places and even in some of the clothes I once treasured.

What’s more, a few of my core beliefs went poof after my cancer diagnoses, which opened me up to a whole new level of other-worldly knowledge.

I observed that I now love even bigger and my heart is more often full. I’m using this experience to narrow things down on my life’s must do list.

All the unfinished chapters in my soul-story now have even more of my attention.

It’s important for me to say, there is nothing gift-like about being diagnosed with cancer. Whatever goodies I glean is a bonus I’ve given to myself.

I’ve had to sacrifice a part of myself to stay alive and though I’m rooted in appreciation for my life, the diagnosis is still new and I still mourn.

Anyone who thinks a strong woman is one who does not show emotion hasn’t met me.

Life gives and takes. It’s what we do with what we get that matters in the end.

Faith and poise accompany me as I move steadily through the transitions that deepen the colors of my soul.

My superpower has always been in my ability to love, and I love bigger now than ever!

April 21st, 2022 Facebook post

My expression when I’m in receiving mode intuitively speaking.

Treating for a cancer diagnosis has allowed me more downtime. And in that time I connect with my higher-soul-self as often as possible.

I’m not in thought. I am connected to how I feel and how the energy around me is communicating through my ability to consciously feel.

Our feelings truly are the wings of our intuition. If you wish to be more insightful learn to move your attention away from what you are thinking and tune into how you are feeling.

You truly are love and light in action!

Self-care baby! And self-care is soul-care! Here’s to everyone taking care of themselves


mind and spirit!

Our feelings are the wings of our intuition. So don’t ask me to mask mine. I won’t do it.

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I am here. I am whole. I am now.

Twitter post July 22nd 2022!

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Today I choose…

Calming the Static From Within Mini-Podcast

I’ve learned new ways to calm the static from within…

It’s time to catch your breath & remember who you are. It’s time to stand up to the dark shadows blowing through your thoughts. Check out my new mini-podcast & calm inner-static from within!

Here’s a mini-podcast all about it! Listen Here!

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Best Self-protection around!

We are all being called upon to shine our brightest light…!

I once wept for the pain in my young life. Now, I weep for the joy in my years long-lived.

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Thank you for reading my blog!

I’m the author of The Happy Medium book series.

My books are available on Amazon and in some fabulous book stores!

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